- LA Register
- OC Weekly
- LA Times
- The Undead Directory
- The Hex Files by Mick Mercer
- VAT Magazine (London)
- Necropolis Magazine
- Delirium Magazine
- International Vampire
- Rocky Horror Picture Show Children of the Night, By Sal Piro
- The Vampire Book, Encyclopedia of the Undead by J. Gordon Melton
- Piercing The Darkness by Katherine Ramsland
- Pirates of the Silicon Valley
- Donnie Brasco
- Buddy Faro
- Mighty Joe Young
- 8MM
- American History X
- In The Blood
- One Motorhead Music Video
- Fox Hills Racing USA
- Restless
- Senseless
- Clubland
- Night At the Roxbury
- Buffy The Vampire Slayer
- The Gary Raymond Show
- Fox TV Interview
- Today Show
- Gothic Mecca (New Orleans Vampire Documentary)
- Vampyres Then and Now (Documentary)
- The Rocky Horror Experience (Documentary)
- Doo Dah Parade
Film distribution or production
- The Radicals
- Hotel Eden
- JFK: A Knight Remembered
- Showdown
- Wright & Wong
Stage or something like it
- 8 Years participant/member of the Southern California Renaissance Pleasure Faire
- 3 Years teaching improv to various pirate groups/guilds
- Romeo & Juliet
- Taming of the Shrew
- Cat In the Castle
- League of Vampiric Bards
- Stand Up Gothic Comedy (Various locations)
- A Night of Vampire Poetry
- Mistress of ceremonies for various events (Mad Hatter Tea Parties/ Poetry Readings…)
- Cabaret Fur Le Dance
- Rocky Horror Show (YES THE PLAY!)
- Gothic Garage Sale
Various Magazines/Webzines
Such as:
- Red Ink Pages
- Bishop Hill Quilt Book
- Legends Magazine
- The Weekly Bitch
- S.O.Und., the 13th page
- The Meringue Anvil
- The Blynde Eye